Monday, October 13, 2008

Bromby's 7 Rules for Living

These are Bromby's fundamentals for living. I'm passionate about these. I may turn this into a book someday - but for now I think you can get the same impact from these bite sized chunks.

1. Own your problems - all of them- even if they are not your fault - even if they are beyond your control. You cannot evade reality - and only when you own the hard facts of your reality are you empowered to do anything about them. Do whatever is necessary to make your reality better - do not appeal to others to improve your situation. Do not expect government, friends, colleagues or favours to give you the life that you want. This is the path of the victim or the parasite - be neither. Take every action necessary to improve your situation and don't take shortcuts.

2. Resist the allure of easy gains - they are an illusion. We have all heard of situations where people have become rich or successful quickly or with little effort. Either through schemes, political pull or fraud. Remove all such notions from your mind. Aggressively vanquish the mirage of easy wealth from your thinking - it is a waste of valuable mental energy.

3. Don't play the lottery. A one dollar lottery ticket every week is far more costly to you than the ticket itself. The real cost is mental and creative energy you spend during that week imagining all the wonderful things you would do with that money. Again this is the allure of effortless wealth robbing you of your vital ambition. You need to stay hungry. Vigilantly remove all other options for wealth so that the only possible avenue for wealth is the only one that is not a mirage.

4. Live to create value. A human's most noble pursuit is productive activity that creates something (either tangible or intangible) that is of value to others. Strive to expand and refine your capacity to create value. If you can create millions of dollars in value for others - you will be paid with millions of dollars. All other avenues to wealth are an illusion.

5. Revel in your ambition. I've seen many would-be entrepreneurs fade and vanish because at some level they feel that ambition is wrong. It's a fundamental part of our culture to believe that great ambition is accompanied by inevitable destruction or atonement. We've seen it in every Shakespearian tragedy and Hollywood movie. It's a lie - you create your own reality. There is nothing immoral about creating something of value, and trading it honestly with other consenting individuals for a profit. I assert that in fact nothing is more moral.

6. Don't be paralyzed by the urge to 'give back' before you have anything to give. Take comfort in the fact that you are creating something of value and being self sufficient so that you are not a burden on others. Later you will contribute to socitey in a bigger way by employing others. Eventually you will be in a position to be philanthropic in a truly substantial way.

7. Be good to yourself. You aren't a machine - if you don't enjoy yourself you'll burn out. This isn't just a footnote to soften the impact of the previous six points. This is an imperative and the fundamental reason to following the other six rules. These rules for living are not about making a better society, improving the economy or pleasing your parents. This is all about you and only you. Make your life the life you want it to be and enjoy the entire journey - not just the destination.

- Bromby

Monday, October 6, 2008

Private means us - Public means them - not vice versa

To borrow a page from the great Dennis Miller, this is going to be a bit of a rant.

In this horrible bailout mess - one thing scares me more than the actual financial turmoil. It's the fact that Capitalism is once again taking the blame for something that was in fact caused by government intervention. By the government endowing organizations like Fannie May and Freddie Mac with special powers this artificial housing bubble was created and billions were invested into the housing market - that would have otherwise been invested elsewhere.

It doesn't matter that Fannie and Freddie were not truly free market - but a hybrid public / private monstrosity. The fact of the matter is that the private sector and the principles of free market capitalism are taking the blame.

The answer as always is tighter controls, more regulation, more government intervention and less freedom. Another major win for the proponents of socialism. That fat turd Hugo Chavez has stoppen munching on that chicken drumstick long enough to say 'I told you so'. He boldly proclaimed that:

“Socialism is the only route to the salvation of the world.”

After that he put down the chicken drumstick and plunged his rotund face into a bowl of beet soup and was not heard from for the rest of the evening.

As much as I'm a staunch conservative - even John McCain disappointed by saying he planned to create a new government body that would add an additional much-needed layer of oversight. Brilliant! Because those first 15 layers of oversight didn't see this thing coming, I'm sure this 16th layer will catch all.

In the presidential polls McCain is leading in foreign policy, but overwhelmingly they show that Barack Obama has what it takes to create a strong economy. I need to ask this question to the readers because I have absolutley no clue. How did the democrats get the credibility in the economy? Did we actually cross the threshold where the general populous believes that socialism creates more prosperity than economic freedom? How on earth did they pull this over on the public - how did a US majority choose serfdom over freedom?

How did the left manage to convince us that individual power (private) was evil and government power (public) was good? The very foundation of the United States itself is upon that exact principle that the individual's rights were to supercede that of the state. The constitution was a document designed to subordinate the state to the will of the individual - not vice versa. It saddens me that people have become indignant to those who would excercise individual freedom. They have been hoodwinked into believing that public means "us" and "private" means them when in fact - it's the other way round.